
Welcome to the English Stretch & Challenge page, 

Below you will find two different areas, KS3 & KS4 task. 

Once you have completed your tasks hand it into the Head of English and gain points towards a fantastic trip to Escape Rooms, Wild Wadi or Ski Dubai.  
English KS3 Stretch & Challenge task
Task 1) Read at least one book by the following authors:
Jane Austin
Bronte Sisters
Charles Dickens
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
Task 2) Research and evaluate how the context of the book influenced the writer.

Task 3) Create a dramatic monologue for a conflict that one of the characters would face if they found themselves in modern day Dubai.
English KS4 Stretch & Challenge task
Task 1) Read at least one book by the following authors:
George Orwell
William Shakespeare
William Golding
Task 2) Research and evaluate how the context of the book influenced the writer.

Task 3) Create a dramatic monologue for a conflict that one of the characters would face if they found themselves in modern day Dubai.
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